

Welcome to the ESO-RP Homestead Directory! The directory is an online resource created by roleplayers, for roleplayers within The Elder Scrolls Online community. Its purpose is twofold: to centralize and advertise player homesteads to a greater audience, and to facilitate more roleplay within player homesteads.

Getting Started

To get started, you will find the homestead listings by clicking on the Browse link. Add your homestead by clicking on Submit, and if you have any questions, please read the FAQ before reaching out to one of the staff, listed on the Contact page. We also have a presence on ESO-RP and Discord for anyone interested in connecting with other housing and roleplay enthusiasts. Be sure to check out our Partners before you go! Happy homesteading!

Credits and Thanks

I’d like to take a moment to express my heartfelt thanks to everyone who helped make the new directory possible. It took a great amount of behind the scenes work to bring you this resource, and I hope you get a lot of use and enjoyment out of it. Thank you to the migration team, who helped move all the data from the old directory to the new one. Another big thanks is owed to the web editors and moderators, who help me stay on top of adding new entries and keeping the Discord running smoothly. Finally, thank you to all the website’s donors, who keep this place looking nice and spiffy!

And, of course, thank you to the entire community for supporting this project. It wouldn’t exist without you!

